After listening to the Bhagavad Gita recited by Lord Krishna, Arjun decides not to fight the battle of Mahabharat. He leads the Pandavs away from the battle field into a forest, where, followed by Draupadi, Duryodhan, and Krishna, and tutored by an ‘anti-Krishna’, they re-write Bhagavad Gita as a book fit for an atheist. The entire play rhymes.
Language: Hindi
Run-time: 100 minutes
Children under 12 will not be admitted
FRI Jun 27, 8 pm
SAT Jun 28, 8 pm
SUN Jun 29, 6 pm
Until Jun 5: $10
From Jun 6: $15
All proceeds will benefit ASHA, AIF, and Udavam Karangal
West Valley College Theater,
Saratoga, CA