Vilayat Mahal June 13 – June 29, 2025 | Palo Alto  

playwright and director: Anush Moorthy producer: Vikas Dhurka (in Hindi, with supertitles in English)  

December 1971, a cold wintry morning, Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station, Delhi: a woman walks into the first-class waiting room with her family and claims to be the legitimate descendant of Wajid Ali Shah, the last nawab of Oudh. The family has everything – Great Danes, opulent carpets, potted palms, and a retinue of servants in livery – except the recognition they seek. Inspired by a true story in the New York Times, विलायत महल (Vilayat Mahal) is a tragicomedy spanning four decades that re-imagines the life of the mysterious begum and her quest for recognition.
Language: Hindi
Run-time: 100 minutes

Children under 12 will not be admitted.


To Audition for Vilayat Mahal (March 29th, 2025), click here.
